
Many people want to get their divorce over with as quickly, easily, and as cost effectively as possible. Despite being faced with a divorce, the clients are still able to communicate effectively with their spouse and make decisions with them. If you fall into this category, mediation is a good solution. The Law Offices of Deidre O'Brien will help to guide you through the mediation process and assist you and your ex-spouse in resolving the issues that may arise as a result of the dissolution of your marriage or partnership.

What is Mediation?

Mediation is the process by which a neutral attorney meets with both parties. The mediator discusses settlement options with them and helps them come to a final decision regarding all the issues in their divorce, without court intervention. The mediator does not represent either party, but instead acts as a neutral to help them come to an agreement. The mediator then drafts a settlement agreement which becomes a final judgment. The mediation process is confidential. The parties may also have their own counsel to advise them during the mediation process and review the final agreement.

Issues That Are Handled in Divorce Mediation

There are a handful of matters that are typically dealt with in divorce mediation. Property ownership, who will have primary custody of the children, and spousal support are all examples of the core issues that will be addressed, if you so choose. Given that a mediation provides you the unique opportunity to make your own decisions, without the help of the Court, you can typically resolve matters much more quickly and have more in depth discussions with your ex-spouse or partner.

The Advantages of Divorce Mediation

There are a number of advantages to choosing divorce mediation over more traditional divorce proceedings. Hiring a divorce mediator is a cost effective way to settle financial and custody related divorce issues, as well as to amicably resolve any disputes that may arise. Both the parents and the children involved benefit from it, due to the fact that the divorce mediation proceedings are held in a controlled environment in which all parties involved achieve more satisfactory results. In addition, another key advantage of choosing mediation as opposed to litigation is the fact that it is completely confidential. Your statements and questions will not be aired in open court or be documented in court documents where they can be used against you in future legal cases.

The Benefits of a Divorce Mediator

A divorce mediator will oversee the proceedings and ensure that they run as smoothly as possible. If things should become too emotional or stressful for one or both parties, then the mediator will get the proceedings back on track and help both parties to reach a mutual agreement swiftly and justly.

Deirdre O'Brien is an experienced certified mediator who can help you come to a speedy resolution of your divorce. These services include assistance in preparing all documents necessary for the case to be concluded and submitting these documents to the court. If you would like more information about the mediation process, please call us to set up a consultation with you and your spouse.



Too often, people find themselves regretting the terms of their divorce, saddled with financial terms and custody arrangements that seem punitive rather than fair. Mediation is a cost-effective, relatively uncomplicated means for settling family law disputes that place the parties affected in charge of their own fate.  Deirdre O'Brien assists parties in finding common ground so important for reaching a resolution mutually agreeable to the parties involved. Activities an attorney who facilitates the mediation process, Deirdre O'Brien does not represent any one party or side; rather, the focus is on important financial and legal issues that affect both parties. As a result, we take pre-emptive action when discussions threaten to derail the mediation process, bringing both parties back to central issues pertaining to property division, child custody/visitation rights, and support.

We can help you reach an agreement that avoids lengthy, contentious litigation and further emotional stress. To schedule an initial consultation contact the Law Offices of Deirdre O'Brien.

Why Divorce Mediation Makes Sense

When a divorce or other family law issue is litigated, evidence is presented by both sides in order to convince a judge to settle an issue in their favor. As a result, it's not uncommon for child custody battles and disputes over the division of property to turn angry and contentious. However, since a judge must take a number of issues into consideration, as well as the best interest of any children involved, he or she may impose terms neither party finds appealing.

When parties enter into mediation, however, they exercise much greater control over the final outcome of their case. While a court must approve the final terms agreed to, both parties are in a much better position to negotiate a settlement they find acceptable.

This is especially important when dividing marital property. For example, a husband may agree to sign over his equity in the couples' home in exchange for the complete value of his pension fund. Likewise, custody arrangements and visitation schedules can be customized to reflect the preferences of both parents and their children.

Getting Started - Family Law Mediation and How We can Help You

Effective mediation begins with proper preparation and an understanding of the goals to be achieved. Deirdre O'Brien explains what sorts of financial information should be provided while preparing a list of goals to be achieved. Since emotions can often interfere with mediation, we are especially diligent in keeping clients on focus.

Avoid recriminations and conflict that leads to expensive litigation with the Law Offices of Deidre O'Brien.


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Concord, MA - 978-287-0011